The snow has melted, the flowers are blooming, and the air feels warm and fresh – it must be spring! And sometimes, the new season ushers in some much needed spring cleaning. If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine for your therapy, then spring is also a great time to make sure your device is in great working shape.
Yes, your CPAP machine could benefit from a thorough cleaning, possibly some replacement parts, and perhaps new accessories. But spring cleaning your machine isn’t just about your machine – it should also involve spring cleaning your bedroom!
It’s true. Over the cold and dark winter, we may not feel as energetic to get things done. Clothes can become strewn about, books can pile up, and dust can gradually accumulate. Although this is completely natural, it can negatively affect your CPAP machine – and your sleep.
Happily, spring cleaning for your CPAP machine is simple. First, simply declutter your room. This action makes your room a more peaceful and relaxing place, which makes going to bed more enjoyable.
Next – a little deep cleaning. Having fewer things in your room makes this step easier. A thorough dusting, a careful vacuuming, and an afternoon of fresh air in your room will help remove the dust, hair, and other particles that settled in for the winter. These, over time, may have affected both your CPAP machine and your sleep.
Now it’s time to switch out your bedding. Fresh sheets and pillow cases, along with lighter springtime bedding, will create a better atmosphere for dozing off at night.
Finally, there’s you. With better weather, a light walk in the early evening, along with plenty of water and healthy food, will go a long way in helping you achieve better health and a better sleep.
Naturally, there is a lot of focus on the CPAP machine to help address sleep apnea. But your machine isn’t the only thing that can affect your sleep. With some spring cleaning of your sleeping space, you can help encourage restful nights and productive days.
Newly diagnosed with OSA and need CPAP? Shop CPAP, CPAP Masks, and Accessories Now!