With spring just around the corner, this new season means less bulky clothing, more time outside, and for some people – spring allergies. If you use a CPAP machine to address your sleep apnea, then dealing with both sleep apnea and spring allergies may make you want to hibernate! However, there are ways you can reduce some of the symptoms of your spring allergies that also affect your sleep apnea:
Indoor Pollutants
After huddling indoors for the winter, your house is probably full of common pollutants. These can include dust, pet dander if you own indoor animals, residue from perfumes, chemical and spray cleaners, smoke from a fireplace, or chemicals from smoking. What’s more, your rugs, carpets, and floors can harbor mites and other creatures that contribute to your spring allergies.
Your solution – spring cleaning! Open your windows, pull out your vacuum and dust rag, and start a deep clean of every inch of your home. You should move couches, clean under rugs, and dust books on shelves. Use allergy-friendly cleaners so that you don’t inadvertently add different pollutants into your home.
Outdoor Pollutants
When spring arrives, the natural tendency is to get outdoors. And with good reason. But your allergies can also be affected by the outdoors. Fumes from car exhaust, pollen, lawn mowing, grass, and smog can all contribute to spring allergies, which again can affect your sleep apnea. Limit your time outdoors, and when you do go outside, try to go out earlier in the morning or later at night when the common outdoor pollutants are not as plentiful.
Your CPAP Machine
The end of winter is also a good time to spring clean your CPAP machine. Wash every piece thoroughly with mild soap and distilled water. Check for cracks, leaks, and tears, and replace any parts if needed. If you need help finding the correct parts or want advice about cleaning, contact your CPAP vendor. Be aware of how your spring allergies can affect your sleep apnea, and sleep easy whatever comes your way.